Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I finally hit my boiling point...

Most people that know me that I am pretty laid back. I don't raise my voice too often or anything like that. But today, I was disrespected, and I went off.

While loading helicopters today, I politely asked someone to take a piece of plywood back to the staging area because it was not needed. Said person got an attitude and threw the plywood down on the ground, right on my flight line. Not a good thing to do around me.

I went to them and told them to get their belongings and exit my flight line for a safety violation. Instead of listening to my instructions, back talk ensued. Mind you, I have been a Staff Sergenat longer than this dude has been in the army, and when I give a directive, I expect it to be followed, no questions asked. But why would that happen? This guy decides he is going to tell me what HE is going to do and sass me. Oh yeah...

Then it happened. I exploded. I screamed so loud and got so angry that I was losing my voice, veins were popping out of my face, and I had gotten this rage that I had never gotten before. After about 2 minutes of me laying into this kid, he finally shuts his mouth and follows my directions. Even a gal who was in the towers witnessed my tirade and was quite impressed. "I didn't know you had it in you, SSG Wirth. That was hillarious!" Well, I didn't know I did either.

That's the new army for you. These Joes need an explanation for everything and will not do something that they do not want to do. I just do not understand. When I was of lesser rank, I didnt act like a jack ass to my superiors. And the best part of it all, I did it in front of about 16 people who got off the flight, My XO, my 1SG and my CO. They were in agreement of my tirade.

So this piece of work comes back to the company area stomping all around and tells my OPS NCOIC that I "was unfair to him." Sorry, Charlie, I outrank you and you disobeyed and disrespected me. Didn't know I had to flip a coin here for you to make a move. And then he thinks he is going to fight me and talk bad about me. Really??? Don't make that promise, fella.

So let me get this straight:
If I yell at someone for breaking my rules, they can sass me and expect NOT to get lit up by me. Right....

So, my little piss-ant, if you want to continue your little pitty party because you were wrong, go ahead. But I got something for you. In the words of my good buddy Dan:

F**k you, Watch this.

Friday, January 16, 2009

No mail, no happiness

So shit. I haven't gotten a piece of mail in a long time. Like 3 weeks. I need some items that are coming and will go nuts if I don't get them soon. I am about to go crazy.

The weather here is absolutely ridiculous. Snow, sleet, cold, and the most dangerous of all... CLOUDS. Nothing will fly here when it is cloudy because of the mountains. And it is consistently cloudy all the time. So nothing. Being bored, not getting anything even my precious mail (have I mentioned that yet?)

I will leave now and hope for a clear day with lots of mail and work to be done.

Oh yeah, and our new rules are completely asinine.

Enjoy the ridiculousness.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Back from das dead

Welcome back, sports fans. It's been a while since I have blogged. My old .mac account (which I PAY for) is being used to host my buddies website. So I am using this.

I'm not going to lie, I got the idea after seeing my Army counter-part's
blog and got a little homesick and wanted mine back up and running. Yeah. So here's try #2.

Myself and the culprit. We tuff.

So here it is, almost 9:00 am on a chilly day in the wonderful mountains of Afghanistan. We already had a flight this morning, and are only expecting one more today. So I am sure the rest of the day will be spent laying around fighting the Z monster. It seems to be the trend lately. Hurry up, and wait.

Mail. Mail. Mail. What the hell? We have been waiting since before Christmas for mail to get here and all we have gotten is a few boxes for the entire FOB. I know I got stuff coming (a lot) and I know I have Christmas presents and what not that need to get here. Pronto. Can I get a break for once? Jeesh.

So, last night, Stacey and I finished watching Generation Kill and started Band of Brothers. I have no idea why we are on this war program kick, but oh thee well. it is amazing how some of the people in the shows are EXACTLY like the people you serve with. Case in point, Band of Brothers. CPT Sobel. I need not elaborate. It was a good time, like always.

Well, I will continue to update this on the reg. I have some work to do. And by work, I mean go lay down.

Enjoy the ridiculousness.