Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Back from das dead

Welcome back, sports fans. It's been a while since I have blogged. My old .mac account (which I PAY for) is being used to host my buddies website. So I am using this.

I'm not going to lie, I got the idea after seeing my Army counter-part's
blog and got a little homesick and wanted mine back up and running. Yeah. So here's try #2.

Myself and the culprit. We tuff.

So here it is, almost 9:00 am on a chilly day in the wonderful mountains of Afghanistan. We already had a flight this morning, and are only expecting one more today. So I am sure the rest of the day will be spent laying around fighting the Z monster. It seems to be the trend lately. Hurry up, and wait.

Mail. Mail. Mail. What the hell? We have been waiting since before Christmas for mail to get here and all we have gotten is a few boxes for the entire FOB. I know I got stuff coming (a lot) and I know I have Christmas presents and what not that need to get here. Pronto. Can I get a break for once? Jeesh.

So, last night, Stacey and I finished watching Generation Kill and started Band of Brothers. I have no idea why we are on this war program kick, but oh thee well. it is amazing how some of the people in the shows are EXACTLY like the people you serve with. Case in point, Band of Brothers. CPT Sobel. I need not elaborate. It was a good time, like always.

Well, I will continue to update this on the reg. I have some work to do. And by work, I mean go lay down.

Enjoy the ridiculousness.

1 comment:

  1. What are you spying on the fat guy now? Checking me for OPSEC violations? Well write something so I can critique it! Later...
